Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Seven wonderful days of snow.
Zero which have been with my favorite shred buddy.
(Though Josh, you come in a close second..but Erika would kill me if I let you take first so for my safety you're going to have to be second.)

..Soon enough, young grasshopper. Soon enough.

PS Powder alert at Brianhead. It was off the heeeezy. And Mammoth. 13 feet? Like whoa. Looks like I know where my next trip (after UT) will be.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Welp all of my boarding gear just officially filled both of my suitcases. I guess I'll just have to improvise on the whole "clothing" and "toiletry" situation. $25 per checked bag? *scoffs* call me jewish, but that's just gersh dern ridiculous!
Priorites people, PRIORITIES!
PS- I would like everyone to know that I will be making my first apperance of the season at Snow Trails & Mad River Mountain this weekend and Natalie arcave face has already been boarding 7 times this not one, but TWO different states...soon to be three.

Erika's Pity party. You're Invited!

Time to catch up on the shredding!
......that is of course until we finally get to board Big Bear Mountain together in a few weeks!

                                                                                                                                       Written by Erika

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Me and Julio have a date in Utah tomorrow. Hopefully I'll actually take some pictures this trip, because I've totally sucked arcave in doing that. Weather looks a little sketch, BUT they're getting dumped on. And since I'm on a huge "fresh pow" kick I'll take it - wind and all.

Welp folks. Off to throw the last of my closet floor remenants in a bag and head out. One love.

PS Erika - hold down the fort while I'm gone. Since our blog readers are just offf da heeezy in huur. ;)

Written by Natalie

Monday, December 6, 2010


Hans (my board) got jacked. Not jacked like "ooh mannn my board is JACKED from riding over those rocks". Jacked like "curse-words to them beezys who stole my Burton!".

Yaaap. Hans has been kidnapped. Not even ransomed. Just full on taken.
I was considering pulling a Liam Neeson (look that up) and making death threats via my central intelligence agency shiza.
Alas, my heart is/was/will be broken too much to do anything but sulk.

However, the new member of the family will be my very own K2 VaVaVoom Rocker.
Yaap. I'm doing it. I guess I don't really have a choice.

Such a pity. Fjekwlake.

On a somewhat more positive note, I just rode 3 days at Timberline, Oregon.
That brings this season's total ride-times to 5.
And that will increase weekly starting on the 13th.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Dear Natalie,
Apologies for my lack of blogliness lately.
I have been preoccupied with work, sketching and James Patterson.
Speaking of which, I have books for you.
Yes, fiction. Suck it up ya cry beezey.
Peace n Blessins,

*wing.wing.slap.kick.kick.drop it lowwww*


Dear Erika,
Love, Natalie.

+Miss you, boo.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Let's face it..


That's right.
I guess that makes me profreshonal now.
So fresh; so hyphyyyyyy.

Now a Dbacha team rider.
Pronounced "dee-baschh-uh". It's foreign. Because foreign is exotic. And erotic.

Mt. Hood trip countdown: One month from yesterday.

Written by Natalie

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Erika: "Shirley Temple, on the rocks.."
Natalie: "What does 'on the rocks' mean, anyway..?"
Brittany (waitress): "With ice. People get drinks with ice, or they get them blended..duh."
Natalie: "Welp. Then I want my Shirley Temple BLENDED.."
Erika: "Two Shirley Temples, not-on-the-rocks.."
Natalie: "Shirley Temple, on the shore; surely!"

Ba-doom, PSSH!

Written by Natalie


When you hear the name ‘Shirley Temple’ you probably think of the adorable child star whose curly locks won their way into your heart years ago. Do not be fooled. That little curly headed hoodrat was nothing but trouble, in every sense of the word. Trust me boys, this isnt the girl you want to bring home to mom. It's time you meet the REAL Shirley Temple.

Things Shirley didnt want you to know, shirley surely. Haha classic.
She had an eating disorder.
"Animal crackers in my soup. Monkeys and rabbits loop-da-loop! Gosh oh gee but I have fun....swallowing animals one by one" Think she even chews..? Or just..swallows that ish whole?

"On the gooooood ship, lollipop its a sweeeeeeet trip to the candy shop"
Girl you is bouts tah have a sweet trip to the surgeon for gastric bypass! I'm right there with you, Shirls.
Recovering Alcoholic. Double-fisting, nonetheless.

She was a hypocrite. Yeah, wait until PETA hears about this one...
20 years later.....
Slave owner.
Apparently the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 meant NOTHING to you, you racist, tap dancing poodle. I bet her daddy threatened him with dismal consequences if he refused to dance. That is the smile of fear, NOT excitement.
Rebel. No one likes a brat. *cough* Shirley Temper.


Yapp..cats out of the bag, Shirls. Suckkkka.

Written by Erika
Natalie commentary in red

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Just in case you were wondering how to make 5 hours of a statistical analysis productive:

..which is funny, since my current board is Burton.
His name is Hans.
Remember it.
From here on out, we're going by his proper nomenclature.

Written by Natalie 5am.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010



Sup Fools?! Welcome to ze new and improved blogarithm.
(Side note: I never did get why people say "new and improved" If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new. Have fun solving that paradox.)
The Shredicles of Gnarnia is brought to you daily for your entertainment commercial free by
Arcave, Arcave & Associates LLC
Allow me to introduce us...lets start with the basics;

1. We shred the Gnar. Hard. Sometimes in eachothers pants. Throwin 720's post 50-50 board slide on a kink rail. Ok not really. But it sounds pretty legit in theory.

2. We enjoy going into bars and getting completely sugar shwasted on Shirley Temples, surely. Suckers for the toxic Sprite + Grenadine combo. That sugar..does things to

3. We slay the LSAT via Ticonderoga and Ticonderoga ONLY. Once you go black...

4. We talk fluent Englibic. Like Spanglish. Just..more disjointed. Aint No thang.

5. Addicts de la Sprinkles Cupcakes. Put in the situtation, we would risk our own lives for that of our beloved madagascar bourbon vanilla cake & french vanilla frosting cupcakes. {we make our cupcakes wear seatbelts. Safety First. Click it or ticket}

6. Haters of Twi-vomit and sorority cults. Don't be sucked into that sorority rite-of-passage bullshiza. If you feel left out, go color some Greek symbols on a tee-shirt (or lack thereof) and strut around campus like a) you have nothing better to do with your life and/or b) you're so hungover you don't know where you're going. You'll fit in perfectly and everyone will believe you. Be not offended Twi-hards and greek sistahs, we're only kidding. Kinda.

7. Nat is a door knockin, early to wed Momo. Erika is a penny lovin member of the jew-squad.
{actually I prefer quarters}
Natalie: "What significance does Laban play in Jewish scripture/history?"
Erika: "How the cuss-word should I know? 1. I was kicked out of Hebrew school for putting glue in the Rabbi's chair at age 8, 2. I just wrote a letter to Santa asking for a mother lovin' beach cruiser. Eff my religiousless fail of an existence!"
Erika Franta. Keep'n it kosher since 1989.

8. Slayers of 2000 piece puzzles of Jewsus at the Last supper, and by slayers I mean it slayed us. Fail.

9. We can make front page of every local newspaper in 48 hours of being in a state. It's been done.

10. Imma tell ya one time.....Bieber. Fever. Ya hurrdd?!

Written By Erika Franta


If we had to write our resume, it'd look something like this:

Arcave, Arcave & Associates, LLC
Natalie Wall
Erika Franta
Job Qualifications:

• Swim well in public fountains. Has been performed twice, as to ensure the legality of the first occurrence was not purely due to random chance. However, it is imperative we swim together. Without Erika, Natalie will sink. Without Natalie, Erika steals the coins.

• Efficient. Erika and Natalie conveniently left town in the middle of finals week, managing to drive to California, hit up the Campus Rail Jam Tour, throw a in-room dance party, and return home; all after the first final and before the second.

• Excellent communication skills. Just ask Sammi when she's trying to sleep at 4am.

• Punctuality. We religiously attended vampirehappy hour promptly at 10pm every evening. I'll just omit the numerous times we've skipped class, ditched Kaplan LSAT prep, and forgot our class was in the morning, and not in the evening.

• Loyalty. You want to know why Ra Sushi Bar is as successful as it is? It's because of all the Shirley Temples we've ordered. Checcck it.

• Compassion. After killing spiders, we feel remorse.

• Integrity. So sure, we might have lied to Tori, leaving her on the beach and telling her we'd be right back. We did, indeed, go to the restroom like we said - we just left out details regarding the detour we made to get some cheesecake.
Work Experience:

• Mentor: Reminding kids in LSAT prep why their scores are so low. And occasionally throwing a book or two.

• Snowboard Instructor: Takin' kids to the top, and letting them figure out how to make their way back down while we go slay some park. Meet at the lodge for lunch at noon.

• Health Inspector: Yep, the ice cream is surely contaminated..don't mind if I remove this from your house and properly dispose of mahh bellllllly!

Written by Natalie