Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Dear Natalie,
Apologies for my lack of blogliness lately.
I have been preoccupied with work, sketching and James Patterson.
Speaking of which, I have books for you.
Yes, fiction. Suck it up ya cry beezey.
Peace n Blessins,

*wing.wing.slap.kick.kick.drop it lowwww*


Dear Erika,
Love, Natalie.

+Miss you, boo.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Let's face it..


That's right.
I guess that makes me profreshonal now.
So fresh; so hyphyyyyyy.

Now a Dbacha team rider.
Pronounced "dee-baschh-uh". It's foreign. Because foreign is exotic. And erotic.

Mt. Hood trip countdown: One month from yesterday.

Written by Natalie

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Erika: "Shirley Temple, on the rocks.."
Natalie: "What does 'on the rocks' mean, anyway..?"
Brittany (waitress): "With ice. People get drinks with ice, or they get them blended..duh."
Natalie: "Welp. Then I want my Shirley Temple BLENDED.."
Erika: "Two Shirley Temples, not-on-the-rocks.."
Natalie: "Shirley Temple, on the shore; surely!"

Ba-doom, PSSH!

Written by Natalie


When you hear the name ‘Shirley Temple’ you probably think of the adorable child star whose curly locks won their way into your heart years ago. Do not be fooled. That little curly headed hoodrat was nothing but trouble, in every sense of the word. Trust me boys, this isnt the girl you want to bring home to mom. It's time you meet the REAL Shirley Temple.

Things Shirley didnt want you to know, shirley surely. Haha classic.
She had an eating disorder.
"Animal crackers in my soup. Monkeys and rabbits loop-da-loop! Gosh oh gee but I have fun....swallowing animals one by one" Think she even chews..? Or just..swallows that ish whole?

"On the gooooood ship, lollipop its a sweeeeeeet trip to the candy shop"
Girl you is bouts tah have a sweet trip to the surgeon for gastric bypass! I'm right there with you, Shirls.
Recovering Alcoholic. Double-fisting, nonetheless.

She was a hypocrite. Yeah, wait until PETA hears about this one...
20 years later.....
Slave owner.
Apparently the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 meant NOTHING to you, you racist, tap dancing poodle. I bet her daddy threatened him with dismal consequences if he refused to dance. That is the smile of fear, NOT excitement.
Rebel. No one likes a brat. *cough* Shirley Temper.


Yapp..cats out of the bag, Shirls. Suckkkka.

Written by Erika
Natalie commentary in red